CH 11: Harm to education pales to your failures (Pg 11)

July 14, 2021 2 minutes To Read

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CH 11: Harm to education pales to your failures  

While you have blamed me for the closures of schools and campuses and for students missing their classmates, the chance to school your children from home gave you a new insight into their learning lives. It also taught you the importance of teachers’ work. However, even during these difficult times, you could not ensure distant education for many students who neither own a cell phone nor have access to the web. Even today, more than 2 billion school children do not have access to the internet.

While you spend billions buying arms and weapons that you may never use, you are not equally generous in ensuring access to universal education for all − to the benefit of every child. Global nuclear spending is approximately US$ 140K every minute. Whereas, only US$ 50 billion is needed to ensure 200 million out-of-school children globally can safely return to school. To do that, you need to divert just 8 months of nuclear spending to children’s education. Do you have the wisdom and courage to do that? The answer will tell whether you have the moral right to blame me for the harm done to education, which pales to your systematic failures that  have been around much longer than I have.

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