CH 2: Early days of my journey (Pg 2)

July 11, 2021 2 minutes To Read

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CH 2: Early days of my journey

You first heard about me in late 2019, originating from a provincial town in the Far East. However, I came to your serious attention thanks to the world’s healthcare services headquarters located in a posh city surrounded by a beautiful lake and majestic mountains. They called me the “novel coronavirus.” By the time the world characterized me as a pandemic, I had already begun moving around freely, much to my convenience and your anxiety. It is an irony that as you were claiming victory over me in early 2023, I was revisiting the same country, many claim I was born into. Life comes back in full circle – doesn’t it?  

From the very beginning, I was confused why it took you so long to fully appreciate my ability to wreak havoc on your lives. Aren’t you the species who claim to be the most intelligent among all? You transmit information and share knowledge in split seconds across the world with digital tools and social media, so I could not understand why you weren’t learning and responding fast enough.

Some of you outright downplayed my power and impact while others didn’t come to terms with reality until they themselves had bitten the dust. The signs were   there in the early days for you to take me seriously, but you didn’t until bad became worse while you were procrastinating. So, don’t tell me you didn’t have your fair share of warnings from me.  

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